Docklands Primary School

Cox Architecture / Docklands, Australia

The Docklands Primary School will provide much needed community infrastructure to enable and nurture social interaction for the emerging and future communities of Docklands, Harbour Town and E-Gate. The landscape design is envisaged as a place and system that is enriching, nourishing, balanced and sustainable.

The site is isolated in terms of open space and community facilities, so a crucial component of the design is to provide users access to new green amenity. The three-story facility provides 3,500 sqm of flexible outdoor space that caters for school and after-hours activities.

The school has a range of play experiences that foster creative learning environments. The public domain surrounding the school is seen as an extension of the school, blurring the public and school boundaries. A multifunctional forecourt and spill out area will provide a place for seating and meeting, a shared street zone supporting village life for pre and post school activity.

Site Area

.55 ha


  • Sports Grounds
  • Play Space
Aerial view of Docklands Primary School, a multi-story modern building with open terraces featuring various seating areas and greenery. At the center is a blue basketball court with white lines. Staircases connect different levels, and the building has a mix of gray and brick-red structures.
A multi-story building in Docklands with a red brick clock tower features numerous terraces with greenery and seating areas. The structure incorporates modern architectural elements with angular shapes, glass railings, and wooden accents. Trees and plants surround the primary school.
Students are playing on an outdoor basketball court situated at the center of a modern primary school campus in Docklands. The school buildings feature multiple levels with wooden paneling and glass facades, and the scene is surrounded by trees and seating areas.
Rooftop view of a modern, multi-level area with a blue basketball court. Several people are playing basketball on the court. The area is surrounded by buildings, railings, and greenery, with a road and trees visible in the background near Docklands Primary School.
A group of schoolchildren, dressed in uniforms and hats, socialize and play in an outdoor courtyard with large potted plants and wooden decking at Docklands Primary School. An adult, possibly a teacher, stands nearby. The background features the modern exterior of the school building.
A rooftop terrace in the Docklands features plants in large pots, curved benches, and several people in casual attire. One individual plays with a basketball, while others relax and converse. The sky is partly cloudy, and the environment is bright and open.
A rooftop terrace features modern seating, planters with greenery, and a partial view of a Ferris wheel against a backdrop of tall buildings. Several students from Docklands Primary School are scattered around, some sitting and others standing, enjoying the open space.
A modern primary school courtyard in the Docklands with students playing basketball on a blue court. The area features red brick steps and tiered seating nearby, with contemporary buildings in the background. Trees and greenery add to the urban setting under a partly cloudy sky.
Children wearing uniforms and wide-brimmed hats play basketball on an outdoor court at Docklands Primary School, beside a modern building with wood and brick accents, multiple levels, and spacious balconies. Some children sit on a brick staircase. Trees and clear skies can be seen in the background.
A modern primary school playground with children playing on a jungle gym under large shade sails. The playground is surrounded by greenery and bicycles. In the background are tall buildings of Docklands and a clear blue sky. The area is well-maintained with a mix of plants and urban elements.
Aerial view of a modern urban complex in the Docklands featuring an outdoor basketball court, landscaped green roofs, walkways, and several multi-story buildings. There's a road with parked cars and greenery alongside the complex. The area is well-maintained and organized.
Docklands Primary School's modern multi-level building features terraces with plants and outdoor seating. A red central stairway connects the levels. The ground area includes a blue basketball court surrounded by trees, with adjacent seating and pathways.