This privacy policy outlines our online practices and how we process and protect data collected and provided to us. It also advises you of the decisions you can make about how your information is collected and used.

For the purpose of data protection legislation, Ann Deng is the data controller. This policy outlines the way in any personal data which we collect or that you provide, is processed and stored.

Our process for processing and storing personal data is in accordance with this policy.

What we collect

  • Your name;
  • Your email address;
  • Your telephone number;
  • Business address.

We collect the above information in order to perform our services and communicate with you at every stage.

How we process personal information in accordance with data and protection laws. We keep a record of your information in order to carry out our services and we process the above information in a database stored on our server.

We will also send you invitations to events, newsletters, and updates on the occasion of which you have the option to ‘opt-out’ at any time simply by pressing the ‘unsubscribe’ button.

Security and Controlling your personal data

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

We may disclose personal information that we collect, or you provide as described in this privacy policy to relevant representatives and working groups of McGregor Coxall as follows:

  • To contractors, consultants, and other third parties we use to support our business and who use the personal information in connection with the supply or potential supply of services to you.
  • For any other purpose disclosed by us when you provide the information.
  • With your consent.

We will not sell, distribute, or disclose your information to organizations outside of McGregor Coxall unless you have agreed that we may do so.

Where we store your personal data

Your personal data is stored on our server and is backed up by the Cloud. Any hardcopy data is stored in a lockable cupboard in our offices. Usually, this is just the name and contact details of persons working on a project and is usually business contact details. We store our client files for a period of 7 years.

How long we keep your information for

We do not hold personal information for longer than necessary. Project log files are kept for a period of 7 years depending on the appointment document requirements and our liability period. We review the archive contents of this at least every 6 months. Once we are out of our indemnified period, the information is destroyed securely unless stated under special measures.

Personal information means information or opinions about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained from the information.

Your rights

You have a number of rights under data protection law in relation to the way we process your personal data. These are set out in the General Data Protection Regulations.

You may request details of your personal information we hold at any time, simply by writing to:
McGregor Coxall: PO Box 1083, Manly, NSW, 1655, Australia

If you believe that any information we hold on you is incorrect or incomplete, please inform us at your earliest convenience. We will promptly correct all information found to be incorrect.

You are entitled to ‘opt-out’ of any marketing material explained above that we send to you, simply by clicking ‘unsubscribe’ on the email.

Cookies and IP Address

We use analytics, security and customer improvement cookies. Cookies also help us track and understand user preferences to improve your experience on our site. Disabling cookies may limit your access to certain features.

Third-party content on our website may also use cookies when you interact with their material. We do not have access to or control over these third-party cookies.

Email opt-out

McGregor Coxall recognizes the importance of privacy protection. It is our goal to be open and transparent with our users about the personal data we collect, how it is used, and with whom it is shared with. Our Privacy Policy reflects the increased transparency requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).