Cato St Car Park

BKK - Black Kosloff Knott Architects / Prahran, Australia

The Conceptual framework for Cato St car park draws on the larger strategic context of the area and brings it together with the local Prahran character to deliver a design proposal that is much more than a carpark, much more than a public park.

The project positions the site as a vital piece of community life that is rich and varied – as a place of relaxation whilst also able to accommodate 5000 people for festivals or events. The shared spaces of the surrounding streets have been literally and figuratively drawn into the site and down through the carpark, shaping space and implying use, and yet not defining it. This allows for varied occupation from the large event to the intimate moment and many other possibilities in-between.

Site Area

.8985 ha


  • Competition
  • Industrial
  • Landscape Master Plan
  • Open Space
  • Park
  • Public Realm Planning and Design


  • BKK - Black Kosloff Knott Architects
A vibrant park scene near Cato St featuring people enjoying various activities. Some are seated at picnic tables, eating and talking, while others walk along tree-lined pathways. Trees and a grassy area blend seamlessly with modern, geometric architectural elements in the background.
An outdoor plaza near Cato St Car Park is bustling with people engaging in various activities. Some are sitting on benches, others are walking, and a few are skateboarding. A café with patrons is shaded by yellow umbrellas. Trees and a modern building with a wavy roof are in the background.
A lively outdoor park scene with people engaging in various activities near the Cato St Car Park. A couple walks their dogs along a paved path, others sit and chat on benches and grass. Cyclists and pedestrians pass by. Trees, a modern building, and playful children in a water feature complete the scene.
An architectural rendering shows a plaza with people walking, dining, and cycling. Modern structures with large overhangs stand in the center, flanked by a traditional building on Cato St to the right. Trees and a cloudy sky are in the background, creating a vibrant urban scene near the car park.
A modern interior space at Cato St Car Park features a circular, multi-level design. Sunlight streams through a central skylight. Palm trees and greenery add a touch of nature, while people observe from various levels and a small group gathers near a stage-like area.
A group of people are playing basketball on an outdoor court under a covered pavilion near Cato St. One player is mid-air, about to dunk the ball. Spectators are watching from a raised platform in the background. Tree foliage and a clear sky are visible beyond the structure and adjacent car park.
An overhead view of a large public park with a symmetrical design. The park features curved pathways, grassy areas, steps for seating, trees, and different sections for leisure and activities. Adjacent to the park is the Cato St Car Park along with surrounding roads and rectangular buildings.
Outdoor amphitheater scene with people seated on tiered steps watching a large screen showing a concert. Trees, greenery, and buildings surround the area, including Cato St nearby. Many viewers are sitting on the ground while others are standing, creating a lively and social atmosphere.
A vibrant public square at Cato St features people walking, cycling, and relaxing. Trees provide shade while the sun casts beams of light through the scene. Some individuals are seated at outdoor café tables, while others walk dogs or chat in groups near the car park. The sky is clear and blue.
Aerial view of a vibrant urban park near Cato St Car Park, surrounded by buildings. The park features winding pathways, greenery, multiple seating areas, and open spaces filled with people. Trees and landscaped grassy mounds create a dynamic green space within the cityscape.