Amoeba Two

Amoeba Two / Sydney, Australia

On the 28th October 2004 Amoeba appeared in Martin Place for one day. It consisted of 132 [amoeba] cells each representing some 100,000 tyres discarded every year in NSW. The nucleus of each cell was made from a soil replacement technology, Stratum Green, made up of 100% shredded recycled tyres into which grew the sacrificial lawn. On the [amoeba] cells sat disused sprinklers donated by the gardeners of Sydney. By donating their rusty old sprinklers, each gardener pledged to support [amoeba] by using less water in their environment. [amoeba] was then dismantled and its’ cells reappeared in the Sydney Botanic Gardens a day later as an exhibit in the ‘Gardens of the Future Exhibition’. [amoeba] again confronted the public materialising as two piles of tyres conveying a story of the waste materials and junk our throw away society generates. The tyres were arranged in unloved heaps signaling their final destination in land fill thus polluting the earth from where they came.


Site Area

.0008 ha


  • City of Sydney
  • Group GSA