Amy Marsden

Graduate Landscape Architect

Amy has dedicated herself to cultivating expertise as a Landscape Architect in ecological sustainability within urban landscapes, completing an undergraduate degree at the University of Sheffield and following this with a master’s at Bartlett. With a foundation in formal education, they have continuously honed their skills and knowledge to craft a well-rounded understanding of their field.

Amy’s journey commenced with junior roles in both a planning company and a garden design firm, where they assimilated the fundamentals of landscape architecture and its practical applications. Their dedication and passion soon led them to venture into entrepreneurship, founding a zero-waste plant cultivation enterprise. This endeavour showcased their innovative spirit and demonstrated their capability to intertwine environmental consciousness with creative engagement initiatives.

Moreover, they have found expression in their volunteer work and collaboration with the National Trust. This collaboration spanned over three years and offered them the invaluable opportunity to contribute their talents towards preserving and enhancing natural spaces.

Throughout their professional trajectory, their pursuits have underscored a resolute dedication to harmonizing the urban environment with ecological sustainability. Their ambitions as a Landscape Architect have been fueled by a desire to shape environments that seamlessly blend human needs with nature’s intricate balance.


  • Site Analysis
  • Plant Identification
  • Phytoremediation
  • Ecologically Aware Design
  • Critical Thinking
  • Touch Typing


  • Masters of Art from The University of London (Bartlett) in Landscape Architecture
  • Bachelor of Science from The University of Sheffield in Landscape Architecture BSc.


Contact Amy Marsden