Tanuj Kalra

Tanuj Kalra

Tanuj Kalra


Starting his career in India, Tanuj developed expert design skills from micro to macro level with a focused and dedicated approach to sustainable design. Due to his precision to design thinking, Tanuj was selected to design, execute, and lead international projects, gaining expertise in a plethora of avenues, especially in Bio-design. He holds a Masters in Design Innovation and Technology, delving further into the field of sustainable design and continuing his professional development within multi-disciplinary design problems. Tanuj’s thesis project was a discursive design approach, raising an awareness towards construction and agriculture waste by examining how we can inter-twine two waste cycles to make a bioproduct. After his masters, Tanuj excelled on various projects including high-end residence, medical centres, and multi land-use developments. Although learning architecture contextually; Tanuj’s passion lies in bio-design and discursive design, approaching projects with innovation by adapting to the environment and landscapes we live in.
