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- Landscape Institute-Excellence in-Cherry Hinton North Design Code
- Good Design Australia-Good Design Gold Award-
- Good Design Australia-Good Design Gold Award-
- Good Design Australia-Good Design Award-Biourbanism Book
- Premier’s NSW Export Awards – Finalist Award-
- Australian Institute of Architects (AIA)-NSW Sulman Medal for Public Architecture-Sydney Modern Project: Art Gallery NSW
- Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA)-NSW Landscape Architecture Award-Biourbanism Book
- Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA)-NSW Award of Excellence-Green Square Drying Green Park
- Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA)-NSW Landscape Architecture Award-Sydney Modern Project: Art Gallery NSW
- Good Design Australia-2022 Victorian Premier’s Design Award (Highly Commended)-Grampians Peaks Trail
- DRIVENxDESIGN-Better Future Australian Design Awards-Grampians Peaks Trail