A lively scene unfolds at MacPark, Midtown's democratic heart. On the left, people are seated at a table, while others walk or relax on benches. To the right, children play on a playground. The setting is lush with trees and a grassy area; buildings are visible in the background.

A new ‘democratic heart’ for Midtown MacPark

McGregor Coxall and CHROFI will unite once again, this time turning aspirations for Sydney’s next ...

A vast field under a partly cloudy sky extends to the horizon, embodying a reimagine tradition. In the distance, a tractor moves near the edge of the field. The foreground features a blend of green grass and earthy terrain, while woodland and low hills line the horizon.

Harkness development to reimagine tradition

McGregor Coxall has been named as part of an illustrious consortium tasked with designing the master...

Cattai Creek regenerative works green-lighted

The Cattai Creek Corridor will follow in the footsteps of The Hills Shire Council’s regional growt...

A Strategic Blue-Green Network for Bengaluru

Funding has been announced for the Australia-India Council (AIC) 2021 Grants Program supporting proj...


The transformation of Bayside City Council’s Elsternwick Nature Park Reserve has begun with Stage ...

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