November 15, 2024
Inner West Blue-Green Grid Strategy
The Inner West is expecting significant population growth and infrastructure investment over the nex...
Rocksberg Landscape Masterplan
The Rocksberg Landscape Masterplan utilises an informed and holistic approach to open space planning...
YTL Arena
The YTL Arena project, a visionary redevelopment of the iconic Brabazon Assembly Building in Bri...
Cardiff City to Bay: Blue Line
A 21st Century Visionary Blue Green Masterplan delivered by Cardiff Council and McGregor Coxall as p...
Bristol Climate Resilience
Bristol City Council commissioned McGregor Coxall to develop a Climate Resilience Strategy and Deliv...
Zhoushan Luhua River Landscape Planning
Marine culture is deeply embedded in Zhoushan, known globally as a free trade port and sea garden ci...
Qingdao Ruyi Lake Competition
Ruyi Lake has faced damning ecological hardships of water shortages, poor water quality, soil salini...
Wuxi Taihu Plaza
Inspired by the experiences of the neighbouring Lake Tai and Hui Mountain, the concept – designed ...
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Dr Hossein Rizeei
Geospatial Leader
Hossein is a highly qualified Senior Geospatial Scientist with 17 years’ academic and industry...
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The Inner West Blue-Green Grid Strategy picks up PIA Commendation
McGregor Coxall is delighted to announce that the Inner West Council’s Blue-Green Grid Strateg...
Blue-Green Wonderland: Qingdao Ruyi Lake Competition concept revealed
A shared future for humanity and the environment lies at the heart of Ruyi Lake’s blue-green spine...
A Strategic Blue-Green Network for Bengaluru
Funding has been announced for the Australia-India Council (AIC) 2021 Grants Program supporting proj...
Cumberland’s Green Heart
A resilient future for a prominent Western Sydney river has been safeguarded following the endorseme...
Sites selected for India water resilience ‘living laboratory’
The Australia-India Water Security Initiative’s Community Demonstration Project (AIWASI CDP) compo...
Competition win for Bristol’s sustainable housing future
Groupwork and McGregor Coxall have won a competition to design a 190-home modular mixed-use housing ...
‘Water is life’: A hydrophilic landscaped vision for Zhoushan
Marine culture is deeply embedded in Zhoushan, known globally as a free trade port and sea garden ci...
International consortium to drive New Delhi water resilience project
The Australia India Water Security Initiative (AWASI) project continues its momentum following the s...
Active transport, open spaces headline draft Green Links Masterplan
Abundant open spaces and continuous active transport networks underline City of Ryde’s ambition fo...
Rizeei named a ‘Rising Star of Research’
Dr. Hossein Rizeei, McGregor Coxall’s Geospatial Scientist, has been named as one of 40 ‘rising ...
A new age for Wuxi – Lake Tai Park reimagined
McGregor Coxall’s concept in association with local design institute Layout has been shortlisted a...
Yazhou Bay – An Ecosystem in the World of Tomorrow
Yazhou Bay’s biocity framework details a new city of high technological and ecological value desig...
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