Yazhou Bay’s biocity framework details a new city of high technological and ecological value designed to attract the world’s top aquatic scientists and researchers to live, work and play in a sea-infused urban utopia. Designed in collaboration with Tianjin Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute, McGregor Coxall’s design features extensive environmental intervention to coastal, riverfront and canal systems in conjunction with a comprehensive urban and landscape design strategy that promotes proximity, wellbeing, and soft transportation.
A blue grid utilises bioswales, wetlands, green roofs, and rain gardens to allow water to evaporate and cool the city by up to 6 degrees Celsius. Vegetation serves a purpose for city protection from beachfront winds, habitat enhancement, biodiversity, and aesthetic. Key sections, including coastal, riparian, mangrove, street, urban park, and coral reef, present varying landscape responses based on their individual challenges. A combination of landscaped areas and water allows residents to enjoy a healthy, diverse recreational and social programme.
Site Area |
134.65 ha |
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