Parramatta City River Strategy

Parramatta City River Strategy

Parramatta City River Strategy News / Project Opening / 26.09.2014

Open to the Public 

McGregor Coxall’s vision for Parramatta City River has recently been unveiled to the public. McGregor Coxall’s Urban Design team has developed a holistic strategy for the 1.5km corridor along the Parramatta River that is defined by four river quarters and celebrates Parramatta’s most unique asset, the river. The strategy proposes a world-class public domain and a high quality collection of activated buildings that are seamlessly knitted together by a network of community spaces.

The strategy proposes a mixture of land uses along the river foreshore, offering spaces for events, recreation, commerce, employment art and culture. Newly established pedestrian links will strengthen the connections between Parramatta City and the river, featuring retail activation, public art and water sensitive urban design initiatives. The Strategy considers long-term effects of climate change and projected sea levels, proposing innovative ways to address these key constraints. The Strategy is set to establish itself as a national exemplar for 'City River' revitalisation that is resilient, responds to, and adapts to the natural variables that characterise a 21st century city river.

