Biocity Research

One earth, nine billion people, and more than 4000 cities. This is our world in the second half of the 21st century, the Anthropocene age. Now more than ever, urban settlements face a growing range of challenges to maintain prosperity such as resource scarcity, global population growth and climate impacts. Reassuringly in today’s digital age, we have greater capacity than ever before to make rapid, regenerative change to our cities.

Recognising that cities need disruptive, smart solutions to tackle shared global challenges, McGregor Coxall established the Biocity Research Studio in 2006. Combining science with technology and design, it conducts research via global partnerships with universities, industry, private investors, NGO’s and government.

The Biocity Research Studio generates urban intelligence. Utilising advanced digital simulation and environmental technologies it provides services such as urban policy development, infrastructure and development strategies, target setting, indicator establishment and performance evaluation. The studio has collaborated with a number of organisations including CSIRO, ISD Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development, UNSW, UTS, Monash University and University of Adelaide.

A key initiative arising from Adrian McGregor’s work in the BioCity Research Studio is the Biourbanism platform. Developed as a large scale systems based planning framework, it seeks to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration at the region, city and project level to improve resilience in urban, rural and natural environments.

Biocity Research